Do I have ADD?Back to the top

So I randomly enter a blog and this blogger talks about having a hard time to concentrate and is gonna check if she has ADD. Then she explains what it is and mentiones that she doesn't fit in to all of these descriptions and the once she does fit in on ain't all that bad...hmm...but I do fit in on all of these...a lot. Felt a bit wierd reading this and I joked about it with C who made it her mission 2 in the night to seriously check this out. 15 minutes later she was very serious when diagnosing me with ADD...

Can I really have it, is there really a diagnose for my confused state? I mean people notice, but I don't think they know that there might exist a diagnose either, that I just am as I am. I'm quite used to telling people that I'm a bit like JD in scrubs haha...

Check, check, check...but many of the things on the checklist are actually pretty normal. It's just that when being unconciously sloppy, forgetful, lose things standing in one place, daydream, not being able to follow a simple conversation, having people call on you ten times, forget what you were talking about in the middle of a sentence and get bored and never stick to one's just so damn boring getting mad a yourself for these things all the time...



The short explenation: Like ADHD (it's a subgroup to ADHD) although no problem sitting still, quite the opposite, having a hard time getting started. ADD is more normal among girls.

Thomas Brown beskriver vanliga symptom vid ADD (ouppmärksamma formen), checklist:

  • Ofta lättdistraherad av yttre stimul.
  • Ofta svårt att följa instruktioner från andra -- är ofta ouppmärksam på detaljer eller gör slarvfel.
  • Svårt att bibehålla och styra uppmärksamheten -- dagdrömmer, svårt att fokusera.
  • Verkar ofta inte lyssna på vad som sägs-- verkar inte lyssna direkt på tilltal --verkar drömmande.
  • Tendens att tappa bort saker som är nödvändiga för uppgifter eller aktiviteter, ofta glömsk i det dagliga livet.
  • Svårt att organisera målinriktade aktiviteter, undviker ofta, ogillar eller är ovillig att utföra uppgifter som kräver mental uthållighet.
  • Växlar ofta från en oavslutad aktivitet till en annan.
  • Viss forskning visar att barn med hyperaktiva-impulsiva symptom tenderar att få fler problem med beteendet och uppförandet, medan barn med den ouppmärksamma formen, löper en högre risk att drabbas av andra störningar som depression eller ångest.


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