The girls special spot on her mans chestBack to the top
I liked it when my fingers were entangled in yours and my head was on your chest listening to your heartbeat. It made me feel safe. Like at that moment, nothing bad could touch me. My heart was beating a mile a minute having you so close to me. As you played with my hair and kissed me, I couldn't help but smile from the heart. Could you see how much I cared? From the look in your eyes, it made me never want to let you go. To stay wrapped in your arms forever, where nothing else matters but you and me.

Kommer ni ihåg Sex and the City avsnitett där Carrie belyser sin spot på Aidans chest där hon passar in alldeles perfekt. Sjukt nog är det den lilla platsen jag saknar mest!

Kommer ni ihåg Sex and the City avsnitett där Carrie belyser sin spot på Aidans chest där hon passar in alldeles perfekt. Sjukt nog är det den lilla platsen jag saknar mest!