Pasta or not pastaBack to the top

Just came from the gym and gonna make some pasta, but the thing is that I'm actually considering not eating pasta even though I waited for this moment all week. This week I have been so healthy that I can say that I have been eating more eggs, fruit and vegetables this week then I have in my entire life.

I was gonna let myself eat pasta once a week, been pretty hard since I ate it almost every day before. According to all celeberties and magazines the enemy is pasta or more to be more precise carbs, and it doesn't help having a roomie eating no carbs at all. I hate this cause either you start off and don't keep it OR you get obsessed with it, that's why I didn't wanna do this in the first place, but I am. I have to for now, I need to learn to eat vegetables, fruit and other healthy stuff the hard way.

Just by writing this I have come to my senses and the pasta is now cooking, wholegrain ofcourse ;) with meatsauce and lots of ketchup haha...Why is it that  I can never remember to have more clothes on when I let's eat.


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