The party don't start til we walk in...Back to the top
and we are all posers ;)...

Yesterday was a blast! Ofcourse me and C were nowhere near ready when Michaela and her two girls arrived, so it was preparty in our room and in the bathroom first haha. Johanna and her girls came later and they all LOVED our apartment. It's so nice gathering a fun girlgang like this :) I dind't even let the glascut in my foot spoil my mood for a second even though it wouldn't stop partypoping. Then into the fog...(haha direct swedish translation, should mean the same) We took a cab all 9 of us and sang (correction: yelled) swedish songs all the way to Viper Room in Hollywood.
Du gamla du fria...
Sommartider hej hej...
I min fantasi rullar vi runt bland mjuka kuddar...
Åhh stjärna på himmelen...
Fångad av en stormvind...
Alla vill till himmelen...
Hej hej Monica, hej på dig Monica...
Ingen vill veta var du köpt din tröja...
Ont det gör ont...
OSV haha...
Nobody puts cinnamon melt in a corner ;)...
L: How about a Cinnamon melt on the way home.
C: LOVE Cinnamon melt.
F: What's that?
C: One of the most delicious things...cinnamon roll with melted frosting.
F: I don't like cinnamon
C: Everybody likes cinnamon melt, you too and that's that.

We arrived to Viper Room and it was packed and full of Swedes...we had tickets, but the girls that didn't, had to stand in line and gave up and went to eat and ended the night. We saw Timbuktu play...actually talked to him too...and then left for My House. Managed to upset two taxidrivers somehow, again haha...first one kicked us out and the other one didn't wanna drive us a third one took us there. My House is good, but this was the second time...gonna try another place next time we are out. A fun night...:) :) :)

Still feel a bit wosy today...need some more sleep...but I also need to study, doesn't go well together. J asked if we wanna go out tonight to...I'm thinking about it ;) Brownies for breakfast and brownieicecream stashed in the fridge :) Predictable?

My two bombshell classmates...Johanna, English and Michaela, Journalism...

Anel a.k.a. Nellie was alone with ten girls for a the look on his face he didn't mind. His girlfriend from Brazil (in white dress) is here now to...supernice girl.

Yesterday was a blast! Ofcourse me and C were nowhere near ready when Michaela and her two girls arrived, so it was preparty in our room and in the bathroom first haha. Johanna and her girls came later and they all LOVED our apartment. It's so nice gathering a fun girlgang like this :) I dind't even let the glascut in my foot spoil my mood for a second even though it wouldn't stop partypoping. Then into the fog...(haha direct swedish translation, should mean the same) We took a cab all 9 of us and sang (correction: yelled) swedish songs all the way to Viper Room in Hollywood.

Sommartider hej hej...
I min fantasi rullar vi runt bland mjuka kuddar...
Åhh stjärna på himmelen...
Fångad av en stormvind...
Alla vill till himmelen...
Hej hej Monica, hej på dig Monica...
Ingen vill veta var du köpt din tröja...
Ont det gör ont...
OSV haha...

L: How about a Cinnamon melt on the way home.
C: LOVE Cinnamon melt.
F: What's that?
C: One of the most delicious things...cinnamon roll with melted frosting.
F: I don't like cinnamon
C: Everybody likes cinnamon melt, you too and that's that.

We arrived to Viper Room and it was packed and full of Swedes...we had tickets, but the girls that didn't, had to stand in line and gave up and went to eat and ended the night. We saw Timbuktu play...actually talked to him too...and then left for My House. Managed to upset two taxidrivers somehow, again haha...first one kicked us out and the other one didn't wanna drive us a third one took us there. My House is good, but this was the second time...gonna try another place next time we are out. A fun night...:) :) :)

Still feel a bit wosy today...need some more sleep...but I also need to study, doesn't go well together. J asked if we wanna go out tonight to...I'm thinking about it ;) Brownies for breakfast and brownieicecream stashed in the fridge :) Predictable?

My two bombshell classmates...Johanna, English and Michaela, Journalism...

Anel a.k.a. Nellie was alone with ten girls for a the look on his face he didn't mind. His girlfriend from Brazil (in white dress) is here now to...supernice girl.

Postat av: Michaela
TACK FÖR IGÅR TJEJEN! det var sjukt kul att träffa er! Nästa gång ska vi se till att vi också är smarta och köper biljetter haha ;).
Hoppas ni haft en slapp bakisdag med massa onyttigheter, det har vi! ;) Skönt att man har pinkberry och starbucks över gatan så det inte är så jobbigt att stilla sina bakis-cravings! ;)
Vi hörs imorn snygging! <3 PUSS!